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How to Market Clean Beauty Products in 2023

Antix Consulting Market Insights

woman in a store selecting cosmetics

The beauty industry has witnessed a significant shift towards clean beauty products in recent years. According to Research and Markets’ Global Clean Beauty Market Report, the clean beauty market was valued at US$7.22 billion in 2022 and is expected to reach US$14.36 billion by 2028. This is due, in part, because consumers are increasingly seeking safer, more sustainable, and transparent options for their skincare and cosmetics.

As a result, marketing beauty products as “clean” or “natural” has become essential for brands aiming to attract and retain conscious customers. According to Tara Taylor, SVP Global Beauty Leader at NielsenIQ, paraben-free and plastic-free continue to impact consumer purchases. “Fair trade is on the rise and the clean shopper continues to be more inclusive. Clean beauty is not just for those with deep pockets, as clean beauty products continue to be for everyone, and should be marketed as such.”

One piece of legislation that should be top of mind for all beauty brands is The Modernization of Cosmetics Regulation Act of 2022 (MoCRA)—the most significant expansion of the FDA’s authority to regulate cosmetics since the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic (FD&C) Act was passed in 1938. This new law will help ensure the safety of cosmetic products many consumers use daily. “MoCRA is going to mean that more frequent testing for contaminants — like mercury, lead, benzene, and asbestos — will be required by beauty companies by the end of 2025.” What this means for truly clean beauty brands is that there is an opportunity to get out in front of ingredient scandals and gain market share.

5 Strategies for Marketing Clean Beauty Brands in 2023

These effective strategies to market clean beauty products are backed by relevant market research and insights:

Strategy 1: Educate and Inform Consumers

One of the key aspects of marketing clean beauty products is educating consumers about the benefits and significance of using these products. Research indicates that a considerable percentage of consumers are still unaware of what "clean beauty" entails. Provide clear and concise explanations, using industry terms like "non-toxic," "cruelty-free," "vegan," and "sustainable." Emphasize the importance of avoiding harmful ingredients and the potential impact on personal health and the environment. Mostly importantly, don’t greenwash—it can hurt your brand reputation. If a company is still working to eliminate certain chemicals from products it should be transparent (more on this next).

Market Insight: According to a survey conducted by NPD Group, 75% of millennial consumers consider it important for beauty products to be labeled as clean.

Strategy 2: Highlight Transparency and Ingredient Quality

Clean beauty consumers value transparency and authenticity. They want to know what goes into the products they use. Showcase the quality of ingredients, manufacturing processes, and certifications your brand adheres to. Leverage your clean beauty product's ingredient list as a marketing tool, emphasizing natural and organic elements, and avoiding controversial or harmful substances. Highlight any third-party certifications or safety testing that supports your claims.

Market Insight: Euromonitor International’s Voice of the Consumer: Beauty Survey found that in 2022, 17% of global respondents were influenced by ingredient formulations when purchasing hair care (up from 15% in 2019).

Strategy 3: Leverage Influencers and Social Media

Influencer marketing has become a powerful tool for promoting clean beauty products. Collaborate with reputable influencers who align with your brand's values and have a genuine interest in clean beauty. Encourage them to share their experiences with your products, incorporating educational content and testimonials. Utilize various social media platforms to create engaging content, share product information, and interact with your audience. Remember to disclose any sponsored posts or collaborations for transparency.

Market Insight: A survey conducted by MuseFind revealed that 92% of consumers trust an influencer more than traditional advertisements or celebrity endorsements.

Strategy 4: Storytelling and Brand Identity

Create a compelling brand story that resonates with consumers seeking clean beauty products. Craft narratives around sustainability, ethical sourcing, and the journey behind the development of your brand and products. Establish an emotional connection with your target audience by sharing stories of personal experiences, environmental initiatives, or community involvement. Authentic storytelling helps build trust and loyalty, differentiating your brand in a competitive market.

Market Insight: According to a study by Label Insight, 94% of consumers are more likely to be loyal to a brand that offers complete transparency.

Strategy 5: Engage in Cause Marketing

Participate in cause marketing initiatives aligned with your brand's values. This can involve supporting organizations working towards environmental conservation, ethical sourcing, or social responsibility. By associating your clean beauty brand with a noble cause, you can attract socially conscious consumers who appreciate brands making a positive impact. Communicate your involvement in such initiatives through various marketing channels.

Market Insight: The 2020 Zeno Strength of Purpose Study found that if a consumer thinks a brand has a strong purpose, they are 4 times more likely to purchase from the company. 

Real-World Clean Beauty Brand Marketing

While there are many clean beauty brands that excel at marketing, it's important to note that the effectiveness of marketing strategies can vary depending on various factors such as target audience, brand positioning, and industry trends. However, here are a few clean beauty brands that are marketing savvy (and doing the right things for the environment):

  • RMS Beauty, founded by clean beauty pioneer Rose-Marie Swift, has effectively utilized social media platforms, collaborations with influencers, and sharing user-generated content to showcase the performance and versatility of their products.

  • Tata Harper has successfully marketed their products by highlighting their farm-to-face approach, organic ingredients, and sustainable practices. Tata Harper utilizes storytelling through their website, blog, and social media platforms to engage consumers and create an emotional connection with their brand. They are currently sold in their own online store, 25 eCommerce stores (including Net-a-Porter and Cult Beauty) and 800 brick-and-mortar stores.

  • Thrive Causemetics is a major DTC brand (although it is not stocked in Ulta stores) and has been called the next beauty industry unicorn. Thrive Causemetics effectively utilizes storytelling to create an emotional connection with its audience. The brand's founder, Karissa Bodnar, shares her personal story and motivation behind starting the brand, emphasizing her mission to empower women. By highlighting the brand's purpose and commitment to social causes, Thrive Causemetics appeals to consumers looking for products that align with their values.


As the clean beauty movement continues to gain momentum, effective marketing strategies play a vital role in capturing the attention and loyalty of conscious consumers. By educating, highlighting transparency, leveraging influencers, storytelling, and engaging in cause marketing, your clean beauty brand can thrive in a competitive landscape. Stay true to your values, prioritize consumer well-being and sustainability, and let your commitment to clean beauty shine through every aspect of your marketing efforts.

We include this final word from Tara Taylor, who provided this advice in 2022 which we think still applies: "evolve your sustainability efforts; prepare for inflation; and support your consumers."


Want to know how we can support your clean beauty brand? Contact us for more information:


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